When ONSPEC is loaded, it searches the operating environment for certain variables that designate where to find and place files. If no environment is set, the default is to the current \Onspec\Work\Base directory.
The Set Defaults program will allow you to change the environment variables for ONSPEC.
Default Working Path
The default working path for ONSPEC is where ONSPEC expects to find the ALARM, TAG, PID, and TREND files.
Default Displays Path
If you wanted all of your ONSPEC display files and symbols to be stored in a directory other than the installed default, you would change the display path.
Default History Path
If you wanted all of your ONSPEC history files to be stored in a directory other than the installed default, you would change the history path.
Default Text Log Path
If you wanted all of your ONSPEC text log files to be stored in a directory other than the installed default, you would change the text log file path.
Default Image Print Path
This is the directory where ONSPEC will store images created when a print is performed and the OCL variable $PRINTTOGIF or PRINTTOJPG is set to 1.
Global Terminal Sessions
When this item is checked, ONSPECs running on a Terminal Server will share the same database.
Extra History Button
If you want to set an additional directory for saving historical information, the extra history button will allow you to designate where you want the additonal information stored. Valid letters are A to Z, with the exception of L. Then, in your tag definition, the letter specified is also placed in the DRV or SEC fields.