The File menu group deals with ONView Graph configuration file handling.
The Open command allows you to load and view previously configured ONView files. The file extension used is .ONV. Select the desired file and click on the Open button.
The Save command allows you to save any changes made to the current file since the last time the file was saved to disk. If the current file has not yet been named, the Save Graph function acts like the Save As function. The file extension used is .ONV.
Save As
The Save As command allows you to save the current file with a new filename. The file extension used is .ONV. Type in the desired filename and click on the Save button.
(Recent Files)
Up to four recently accessed files are listed in the File pull-down menu for easy selection.
Print Preview
The Print Preview command allows you to preview the current graph as it will be printed.
Print Display
The Print Display command allows you to print the current display. If no printer has been set with a startup option or through the printer setup, the default printer set in the system will be used. It is advisable to use the printer setup before printing to set scaling and positioning options. (See Printer Setup.)
Run OCL File
The Run OCL File command is used to execute an .OCL file containing ONSPEC Command Language statements.
(Refer to the OCL User Guide especially the section describing the ONView functions.)
Select the desired file and click on the Open button.
Next Page of Icons
The Next Page of Icons command displays the next Smart Icon set (.SIV) file, replacing the Smart Icons currently shown beneath the pull-down menus. Repeatedly selecting this option cycles through the Smart Icon set files. The cycling order is the order the .SIV files appear on disk. The Show Smart Icon Bar option under the View pull-down menu must be enabled in order to see any Smart Icon sets. Smart Icon sets are created with the Configure Smart Icons command in the Configure pull-down menu.
The Logon feature is used to set the global security level for ONView and related applications (ONSPEC, ONCalc, etc.). A Logon dialog box is opened which prompts for a User ID and Password.
Click in the entry fields and type in your account information. Click on OK to submit the Logon request or Cancel to abort.
The Logoff command may perform one of two functions depending on the security level of the previously logged on user.
1. If no user was logged on before the current user or if the previously logged on user had a more privileged level then logoff will automatically set the security level to the most secure level.
2. If a user with a less privileged level was logged on previously logoff will present a dialog asking if the level should be set to the most secure or to the previously set level.
If the security level is set to a level greater than or equal to the lock level, all applications sharing global security will lock the windows. A locked window removes the System Menu, Minimize, and Maximize buttons and can not be moved or sized. See the ONSPEC User Guide for more information on Lock Level.
Exit ONView
Properly closes the ONView session.